Yes, You Can Travel

I am Stephanie Cantwell, and I am not only the owner of a boutique travel agency, but I am also the mother to Blake, a nine year old with Down syndrome (as well as two other daughters, Haley (14) and Molly (12)). I am joining with Down Syndrome Association of Atlanta to help you keep up to date on the world of travel, and to give you a space to ask questions about traveling with your family member that has Down syndrome. I travel extensively, so I will be sharing some of those adventures with you as well.

Can you imagine that there are families that are still told by professionals, "if you have a child with Down syndrome, your vacations will stop"?!?

Well, I am here to prove those "professionals" wrong, and I'm happy to help you come along with me on the journey. To get things started, here are some photos from our most recent vacation to Costa Rica (more to come on that trip specifically) proving that adventure and world travel can and will still happen, even with an extra chromosome. I look forward to you joining our family adventures!


Down Syndrome Awareness Month


Gearing up for Back to School